The European labor market contains some unexpected hurdles, as national differences between the countries of Europe manifest themselves not only in different languages but also in different recruitment practices. To demonstrate the differences between countries this article will focus on job-hunting in France, Spain and Italy.Applications across EuropeWorking in Europe can be an exciting adventure. However, you are bound to come across some unexpected differences. For instance, in Europe, instead of a resume, you will be expected to submit a Curriculum Vitae, or CV. While resumes are a reflection of your main accomplishments only, European CVs are detailed accounts of your education and work experience to date.Looking for work in another country entails more than writing your resume or CV in another language. Remember that no matter in what country you are looking for work, the key element of your resume or CV is to persuade the employer to invite you for a job interview. Keep reading for country-specific tips on how to go about your job search in 

Europe.Job-hunting in FranceDo not send in a typed application letter! The French use graphology as a means of selection in the application process. This means that you should type your CV but handwrite you application letter.Retrenchments also fell from a seven-year high, to 14,720 over the year, compared with 19,170 in 2016.The MOM noted that residents were more vulnerable than foreigners to retrenchment in certain industries - information and communications, manufacturing 

and real estate - where they made up a larger proportion of retrenchments than their share of the workforce.Most residents who were retrenched were able to find a new job within six months. This rate of re-entry into employment was about 65 per cent last year, similar to the rate in the previous year, though older workers and degree holders had a harder time on average.Workers were also more productive. Labour productivity, measured as value-added per actual hour worked, rose by 4.5 per 
